"Instant Income" promises you hear an immediate 'cha-ching' and delivers ground-breaking strategies to get it. From the exceptional mind of wealth-building guru Janet Switzer, "Instant Income" is a breath of fresh air for those struggling professionals looking to make more money doing what they love. Switzer has been the extra punch behind such heavy-hitters as Jack Canfield (Mr. Chicken Soup for the Soul) and her approaches to increasing profit have made her clients exorbitant amounts of additional revenue they never realized was there waiting for them.
"Instant Income" is a collection of Switzer's tried-and-true secrets for getting the most out of a business and its common practices. Her tactics are brilliantly simple and by merely implementing a few, one can see an instantaneous difference. The book is divided up into several parts, concentrating on bring in cash through customers, joint ventures, advertising, prospecting, sales, the internet, even finding potentially overlooked outlets for business owners to explore. Further, she understands the security of a steady paycheck so she's got plenty of ideas for the 'intrapeneur', who wants to stay at their current job while obtaining a higher salary or a better position within the company. She's even got an abundance of inspiration for the 'occasional entrepreneur' who would like to make some extra money on the side. Whether a business owner, an employee looking to improve the company they work for, or an entrepreneur Switzer has plenty of new solutions to try.
Switzer delivers her message superbly - not only are her secrets easy to understand and quick to implement with a little extra effort, it feels like she's right there coaching you as you read her book. She walks you through real-world examples and shares her own website resources to peruse as you begin to apply her strategies to your specific situation. "Instant Income" contains 20 years of Switzer's successful approaches to finding customers, getting them to buy, encouraging referrals and endorsements, and keeping them for the long haul.
Got wealth? Get Janet Switzer! Some of the most successful business ventures out there owe their success to her - with "Instant Income" as your personal wealth-building coach, you can, too. Not only is it sure to be Switzer's next bestseller, "Instant Income" is destined to be *the* reference book for the business professional - don't go to work without it!
Instant Income: Strategies That Bring In the Cash for Small Businesses, Innovative Employees and Occasional Entrepreneurs by
Janet Switzer
McGraw-Hill (2007)
ISBN 0071487786
Reviewed by Vicki Landes for Reader Views (3/07)